
Enhanced Restoration

  • Enhances plant/microbial/mineralogical interactions resulting in soil restoration and better utilization of natural solid minerals.

Superior Growth

  • Organically approved and recognized as superior for soil remediation and plant growth.

Promotes Soil Microbial Diversity

  • Soil microorganisms digest it quickly and improve soil microbial diversity.
  • Optimal for soil restoration, mineralogical, microbiological improvements and plant interactions, resulting in a better soil structure.
  • Minerals not used by plants or soil organisms are not lost, resulting in long-term available nutrients.
  • Boreal Agrominerals is not highly soluble in water and is safely stored in the soil.
  • Based on vessel and windrow composts, experiments show that Boreal Agromineral resulted in reducing composting time by one half.

Combats Impurities

  • Combats aluminum, heavy metals, acidification and other soil toxicities.

Benefits result from first application

  • It is extremely beactive and benefits result from first application (weathers to sand in just 3 years).

Increased nutrient value

  • Boreal Agromineral increases the nutrient and health-giving value of all that farms and gardens produce for human and livestock consumption (including vegetables, fruits and forages.

Enriched Mixture

  • Considered as high activity clay with macro and micronutrients.
  • A magmatic mixture with a high content of usable calcium.
  • Contains high paramagnetism for the crystals of Pyroxene, Biotite and Vermiculite that it possesses.

Versatile Applications

  • Safe to use around water sources, wells, ponds, streams, etc.
  • Boreal Agromineral can be applied at any time during the growing season.
  • One of the cleanest rock phosphate fertilizers available.


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